Her Lucky Day
By Shane Robitaille
Waiting for the bus on a rainy day
an old woman approached me to say,
“Stop for a second and listen girl;
this is your lucky day.”
With Doc Martens, and a shock of white hair
she looked like an aging punk rock star.
She said, “You don’t know me yet,
but I know who you are.”
“I have a few questions,” she said.
“If you have a minute or two.”
I wasn’t sure what to say.
I didn’t know what to do.
Her friendly smile left her wrinkled face.
She suddenly looked stern.
She reached out to shake my hand.
Her eyes were ablaze; her grip was firm.
“Why aren’t you going for it?” she asked.
“Why aren’t you bold?
Why aren’t you adventurous
before you get too old?
Why don’t you seek real love
in the most unselfish way?
Do you make the most, I mean the MOST
of every single glorious day?
Why don’t you ever take a stand?
Why don’t you ask him to dance?
Why aren’t you shooting for the moon?
Why aren’t you taking a chance?
Why don’t you forgive more?
Why don’t you find the time?
Why don’t you run the big race?
Why aren’t you more kind?
Why aren’t you rocking this world?
Why don’t you sing?
Why don’t you run wild under the stars?
Where are your wings?”
The old woman paused and smiled.
I said, “But how do you know me?”
“I am you in fifty years,” she said,
“And I’ve seen how things will be.”
“Don’t waste your time, kid.
Dream big. Live hard. Be bold.
Find the good and beauty in this world,
And you’ll never, ever, ever grow old.”
“I’ve got to go now,” she said.
As she turned to walk away.
“Don’t wait another moment.
Time is a gift. Seize the day.”
I stepped out into downpour,
and with fire in my veins,
ran with wild abandonment,
and was never the same.
Check out my book, Punk Rock Soul, available for $7 on Etsy and ships worldwide.